The holiday season always starts with such promise.
Festive events! Twinkling lights! Cheerful tunes! But somewhere between the 10th Christmas cookie exchange and 3rd Nutcracker performance, exhaustion hits. Suddenly you’re running on fumes…just trying to make it to the new year alive!
This year, make it a priority not to just survive the holidays – but thrive in them instead! Today I’m sharing some healthy-habit advice for pampering yourself amongst the festivities so you emerge merry, bright, and refreshed.

Pamper-fied Party Prep
Growing up I remember feeling completely out of control as we got ready to head off to the grandparents for the holidays. As an adult, I gave myself enough grace to learn new habits that didn’t make me feel so rushed and chaotic.
Get yourself in an indulgent state of mind before heading out. Pour a relaxing cup of evening tea. Soak in the tub surrounded by candles and music. Lay out an outfit you feel fabulous in with some dazzling accessories.

Built-In Breaks
When attending lengthy activities from church services to family dinners, designate some “you time” pockets. Take intermittent walk breaks, find a quiet room to breathe deep and stretch, or sneak away for a few minutes to call a friend.
I don’t know about you but I have a huge family! Multiple sets of grandparents, aunts and uncles, and don’t even get me started on how many cousins I have! As much as I love each and every person in my family, sometimes I just need a quiet corner where I can people watch. I soak up all of those interactions that everyone around me has no idea is filling my cup full of family memories.

Solo Recharge & Reflection
Despite all those celebration invites, accept that an introverts, ambiverts, and even extroverts needs some solo TLC too. Free up a couple evenings this month just for activities that recharge you specifically. Light your favorite candle, craft some holiday cards for troops overseas, bake cookies with intention. Then reflect on what matters most this season with journaling.
Don’t get so caught up in needing to do “all the things” that you end up completely overhwelmed and feeling defeated during the holidays. It’s okay to cancel or even reschedule when you need to.
You absolutely can emerge from the holidays feeling balanced and bright! It just takes a few pre-planned treats and boundaries. Remember to advocate for activities and pockets of time that nourish YOUR spirit specifically. You’ll be ready to ring in that new year with joy!
Let me know your best tips for self-care this holiday season. How will you thrive rather than just survive?