The old saying "April showers bring May flowers" is a reminder that even the dreariest of weather can lead to something beautiful. In the same way, even the most challenging times in our lives can be an opportunity for growth and change.
In April, I was dialing it in on so many levels. I didn’t want to clean the house, do the homeschool thing, and didn’t even want to work my business. I felt like the walls were crumbling around me and I simply didn’t have the energy or the tools to keep putting things back together. I sat and wrote down so many wonderful ideas and lists to get me going, but I couldn’t motivate myself to get any of it done.

When we're faced with adversity, it's easy to get stuck in a rut.
We may feel like we’re just going through the motions, and that nothing we do will make a difference. But it’s important to remember that even the smallest act of movement can make a big difference in the long run. I’ve previously mentioned my intention of getting back on track with housekeeping by using the FlyLady methods. April’s “habit of the month” was making your bed, which I did a total of one time. However, as Scarlett O’Hara said “Tomorrow is another day.” I’m choosing to really dive into this May’s challenge with FlyLady’s habit of “Moving”.

No, I won’t be packing up and selling my house!
May Moving is all about adding an extra fifteen minutes of movement to each day, and I am all for it! I also gave myself a hefty weight loss goal, so the extra movement each day will only help advance me closer to reaching my goals. Even looking at my overwhelming schedule for the month, I know that I can slip in some extra time to walk on the treadmill while watching a business training, taking the kids to the park and going for a little walk, or even dancing around the kitchen while getting the dishes done or making dinner. Did you know that 15 minutes of movement could add up to an extra mile a day?

So if you're feeling stuck, don't despair.
Just take one step at a time. Go for a walk, turn on some music and dance around in your living room, or do whatever makes your heart happy. Even the smallest act of movement can help you to feel better and start to move forward. As you move forward, you may find that you’re more resilient than you thought you were. You may also find that you’re more creative and resourceful. And you may even find that you’re more connected to the people around you.
So don’t be afraid to embrace the “April showers” in your life. They may just lead to the “May movement” that you’ve been waiting for.