The neverending scroll
How many times a day are we force fed commercials insisting that we need this “new and improved” thing? First of all, how can it be “improved” if it’s “new”? And if it’s “new” why did it need to be “improved”?

Battle of all battles
Like so many other people, I struggle with my weight. Let’s be honest, there are a lot of factors that go into it, so I’m not going to unload all of that here. But like others, I’m always on the lookout for something that sounds “reasonable”.

I’m not one to buy into the whole “lose it fast” thing.
I know that doesn’t work and I’m not trying to fit in the size 8 pants I wore in high school. I’m always on the lookout for things that will save me time and money, boost my energy and help me with better eating habits. I mean, I’m not asking for much, right? So when I saw this “program” that said it checked all the boxes, I’m like “cool, I’m in!”

Thankfully it wasn’t some crazy price tag
Although if it had been, I would have avoided it all together. It was less than going to dinner with the kids, so I’ll chalk it up to live-and-learn. There are some workouts that look fairly appealing, but it’s basically a digital workbook that I was already getting bored with in the first paragraph, followed by a “menu” that would not only cost me a fortune to purchase, my kids wouldn’t eat half of what is on it! I thought they were trying to save me time? How will I save time if I’m making my kids different meals from what I’m eating? Oh, and it was like fifty percent fish recipes, and this girl doesn’t eat fish…

Challenges, goals and wins
In 2022 I lost about fifty pounds. I didn’t have a guide or plan, I just drank more water and walked or did some yoga. I didn’t end up sticking to my routine as often as I should have, but I’m really proud of what I did lose. Also, I have big plans for weight loss in 2023. Though I doubt I will be using much of that “program” I purchased.
While I encourage everyone to work with their doctor, do their own research and do what fits for them individually, I can still wish there was a magic button that would do it all for us. Want to know more about my weight loss journey? Let me know in the comments!