The other day a couple of older men asked if they could “borrow my muscles” after watching me fill four 5 gallon water bottles.
They were sitting outside the local Safeway, mostly likely there to spread a religious or political message, while I lugged the bottles back and forth to my van. Once I was finished, one of them spoke up asking if he could “borrow my muscles” to which I laughed and told him “They probably won’t do you much good.” I’m a talker by nature, and I enjoy conversations with the older generation, so we had a brief conversation.
ADDITIONAL BLOG POST ELEMENTS: Be sure to break up any possible blocks of
text monotony in your blog post with more than just awesome Sub-Headlines. Make use,
wherever possible, of lists, bullets/bulletpoints and additional images, too. Remember: any
images of your products should be linked to the appropriate listing/sales page AND you should
also hyperlink the names of any of your products or services appearing in the text of the post so
that they can also lead to the appropriate listing/sales page. Encourage those clicks!
I realized this is something I like about myself, that I will stop and talk to random people throughout my day. Many times it starts with me thanking a Veteran for their service, and they share a bit about their experience. Sometimes it’s a mother of young children, I can see how tired and overwhelmed she is, and I offer up “You are doing a great job” because I know that the times strangers said it to me, it was always perfectly timed.
I could tell you that I do it for others, that it’s my random act of kindness to take a few minutes out of my day to listen to a stranger. I’ll be perfectly honest and tell you that I do it selfishly. I do it because it feels good. That brief encounter where I learn something new about a total stranger, it’s a powerful moment. It fills me up with a crazy energy that can power me through my day, sometimes longer. It’s like they just served me up 20 cups of coffee and I’m off to the races!