Do you ever feel like you need a reboot?
For my generation, when things start getting a little wonky, our go-to is to turn the thing off, then turn it back on again. I do this with my computer, my phone, even video games. Can you do this with your life though? I mean, can you just stop, like in a game of tag and call for a do-over?

The last year has been an interesting learning experience for me.
You can read more about what happened here. But essentially the last ten months have been loaded with firsts for my kids and I. Perhaps not the types of firsts that people would expect, but I have been keeping some digital records of many firsts and I’m not sure that I am looking forward to them popping up.

I’m no stranger to trying new things.
In my lifetime I have used power tools, done maintenance on my sewing and embroidery machines, I’ve stitched beads and lace onto wedding gowns and I’ve used a jackhammer. I’ve never been afraid to get my hands dirty. Even my aversion to driving took a back seat in 2022 when my mom and I took the kids on a cross country drive from the California bay area all the way down to Orlando, Florida. Sometimes I find fear to be a motivator.

Sometimes I feel like I’m hitting my head against a wall.
There are times, when things get quiet, that I get antsy, I start to feel trapped. I’ve joked over my lifetime that I am “built for chaos” but perhaps it’s the constant change that keeps me from truly dealing with those quiet moments. I have always thrived with change. Even making mistakes is viewed in retrospect as learning lessons, as long as I keep moving.

Life is moving slower, so I may need to reboot.
As things settle into a rhythm for the kids and myself, I find my mind wandering, I feel myself getting restless. Lately I have been trying to write about things that I think people are interested in, and yet looking at my stats, it’s not really resonating with people. That’s okay, I’m just going to reboot. So I’m switching back to writing about what I know and who I am. Maybe it’s not as educational as meal planning and prepping, or as informational as library month and best housekeeping secrets, but if you want to hear all about the crazy thoughts that go on in the mind of a forty-something-year-old-mom-of-two-girls, then I’ve got you covered!
Monday’s blog posts are going to go back to what they started as, a sort of brain dump for the emotional storm that rages inside of me as I keep loading up the protectived sandbags that keep it all inside. Because that is another thing about my generation, we are experts at boxing up emotions and building walls, it’s as much for our protection as it is to protect others. If you have been feeling similar, please know that you are not alone, we may not be in the same boat but we are navigating the same ocean. I see you, and you are awesome!