And by “she” I’m referring to myself. Hi, I’m Heidi, and I don’t wear makeup.
Okay, so maybe I occasionally wear makeup, or I have worn makeup? I just don’t put it on as a regular practice. “Why?” Do you ask? “Who cares?” Well, it was mentioned in passing to me that I don’t wear makeup during my live videos, or when I post images of myself, and although it’s not the first time this has been brought up, I figured I would address it here, where I am completely myself.
I have on occasion worn makeup.
I think I remember wearing quite a bit of makeup starting in my junior high years, but it made my skin break out which created a whole new set of things for me to do. It was no longer just keeping my face clean, and after a short amount of time I realized I hated putting on makeup and I wasn’t very good at it either! Fast forward to high school, I might have been known to wear lip gloss and some mascara, but I have good skin, so instead of waking up early to “put on my face” I got an extra few minutes of sleep.

In my twenties I worked for a bridal shop, so I did put on a little makeup when going to work, but usually avoided much because putting wedding gowns on brides all day didn’t work well if I got makeup on the gowns. In my late twenties however, while working for a leasing office for a low-income apartment complex, a secret shopper actually gave me a negative review on “appearance” with their only complaint that I didn’t wear makeup. Needless to say I was slightly offended that my lack of face paint was such a priority over good customer service.

I don’t understand the need to conform to unnecessary social constructs.
I was even told as a teenager that my parents must not love me very much because they didn’t pay for braces to straighten my teeth. Side note, as an adult I did get braces for both cosmetic and functional reasons. I get it, society, media, Hollywood, they set a standard and the rest of the world is supposed to get in line. Well, I’ve never been much for “follow the leader”.
I have looked at some makeup tutorials and honestly, that is just way more work than it’s worth! The amount of time some people take to “get ready” is more time than I have to spare. Ironically, the dark circles being concealed could also be helped with a bit more sleep and water. The acne breakouts from oily skin might just be induced by the very products being lather on the face.
Let’s be honest, there are some times that I use a makeup filter on my social media posts because I’m having an allergy day or the lighting isn’t quite right and I’m getting far more dark spots on my face than I truly have, but for the most part, I’ve been on the “go natural” band wagon for most of my life and I don’t see that changing. If my lack of makeup is more important than the content of my character or the benefits I provide in my business, then I haven’t quite reached the right group of people. Never fear, I will find them, and they will love me just the way I am.